Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
Assembly Source File
130 lines
title XMODEM CRC Algorithm 8086 / Lattice C Compiler
page ,132
include model.ash
include lattice.ash
;* *
;* clrcrc(); *
;* CLRCRC - A call to this entry resets the CRC accumulator. *
;* It must be called at the start of each message. *
;* *
;* Entry Parameters: None. *
;* *
;* Exit Conditions: CRC accumulator cleared. *
;* *
;* udcrc(c); *
;* char c; *
;* UPDCRC - A call to this entry updates the CRC accumulator. *
;* It must be called once for each byte in the *
;* message for which the CRC is being calculated. *
;* *
;* Entry Parameters: a byte to be included *
;* in the CRC calculation. *
;* *
;* Exit Conditions: CRC accumulator updated. *
;* *
;* *
;* crc= fincrc(); *
;* unsigned crc; *
;* FINCRC - A call to this entry finishes the CRC calculation *
;* for a message which is to be TRANSMITTED. It must *
;* be called after the last byte of the message has *
;* been passed thru UPDCRC. It returns the calculated *
;* CRC bytes, which must be transmitted as the final *
;* two bytes of the message. *
;* *
;* Note that this returns a single 16 bit value; *
;* if transmitting bytes, it must be transmitted *
;* upper half first then lower half: *
;* *
;* output (crc >> 8); *
;* output (crc); *
;* *
;* *
;* Entry Parameters: None. *
;* *
;* Exit Conditions: calculated CRC bytes. *
;* *
;* error= chkcrc(); *
;* int error; *
;* CHKCRC - A call to this routine checks the CRC bytes of *
;* a RECEIVED message and returns a code to indicate *
;* whether the message was received correctly. It must *
;* be called after the message AND the two CRC bytes *
;* have been received AND passed thru UPDCRC. *
;* *
;* Entry Parameters: None. *
;* *
;* Exit Conditions: 0 if message ok. *
;* non-zero if message garbled. *
;* *
;Our very own little bit of data space.
crc dw (?) ;calculated CRC,
;Initialize the CRC.
func clrcrc
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov crc,0
endf clrcrc
;Update the CRC with the new byte. The method used is
;the CCITT polynomial:
; x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1
;An alternate method often used in synchronous
;protocols is:
; x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1
;Which can be generated by changing the XOR pattern
;from 1021 hex to 8005 hex.
func updcrc
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov bx,crc ;BX == CRC a reg for speed,
mov cx,8 ;CX == bits in a byte,
mov ax,arg0 ;AL == msg byte,
u1: rcl al,1 ;MSB -> carry,
rcl bx,1 ; -> CRC LSB,
jnc u2
xor bx,1021h
u2: loop u1
mov crc,bx
endf updcrc
;Finish off the CRC.
func fincrc
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
xor ax,ax ;do two zeros
push ax
call updcrc
call updcrc
pop ax
mov ax,crc ;return finished CRC
endf fincrc
;Check the calculated CRC. Return 0 if OK.
func chkcrc
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,crc
endf chkcrc